About Us

Most Reverend Frank J. Dewane
Bishop of the Diocese of Venice

Rev. Alex Pince
Director of Vocations and Seminarian Formation
(941) 486-4703 at the Diocese of Venice
Email: pince@dioceseofvenice.org
Phone: (941) 486-4703


The Roman Catholic Diocese of Venice in Florida (Latin: Dioecesis Venetiae in Florida) is a Roman Catholic diocese in Florida, founded on June 16, 1984.
The Diocese numbers some 237,000 Catholics among 61 parishes within the ten counties of Charlotte, Collier, DeSoto, Glades, Hardee, Hendry, Highlands, Lee, Manatee, and Sarasota.
There are about 144 active priests (mostly diocesan with some religious), along with a number of retired priests helping in the parishes.
The Diocese of Venice was erected by Pope John Paul II in 1984 from parts of the Archdiocese of Miami, the Diocese of Orlando, and the Diocese of St. Petersburg.
Our founding Bishop, the Most Reverend John J. Nevins was succeeded as ordinary in 2007 by the Most Reverend Frank J. Dewane.
The Co-Patron saints of the Diocese of Venice are St. Mark the Evangelist and the Blessed Virgin Mary under the title, Our Lady of Mercy.
St. Mark the Evangelist
Feast Day April 25
St. Mark is traditionally recognized as the author of the Gospel of Mark and the founder of the Church of Alexandria. His symbol is the winged lion. The lion is one of the four living creatures depicted in the Book of Revelation (4:7) around the throne of God, and which have come to symbolize the four evangelists.
Our Lady of Mercy
Feast Day September 24
Our Lady and Virgin of Mercy,
We ask that through your maternal intercession before your Son Jesus Christ, you obtain for us the true freedom of the children of God and that you make us free of any slavery, so that we may experience the joy of salvation. Amen.